Features of Value Based Education
We believe that schools share an obligation with families to teach kids right from wrong, and that character development is an important part of schooling. We, at St. Maria de Mattias School (CBSE) teach our scholars to act truthfully, with high moral character both on and off school property. Starting with adults and filtering to children, respect for others and proper behavior are taught, modeled, expected, and rewarded.
Regular Catechism classes for all Catholic students and Value Education classes for children of all other religions, are incorporated in our curriculum.
We advocate that the God who bestows life is the only one who possesses the right to terminate it from us. We therefore teach our scholars to stand resolute in the face of adversity and never to buckle under pressure.
Our scholars are raised to become socially responsible citizens who will in turn give their best for the nation’s well-being. Towards this end, we aim to meet not only the physical, emotional and educational needs of children, but their spiritual needs as well.